Still in lockdown but today i had my first Covid vaccination so on the way.
Trying to use the time to good effect, the bodywork was never as good as i hoped using my short cut method and since aerodynamics are king, i have decided to yet again apply filler and try and smooth the air flow over the body. The rotisserie is allowing my to tidy the edge that meets the undertray to get at least a level and smoothish finish compared to the Himalayas mountain range that was there. Its slow tedious and dusty work. I must be rubbing 70% of what i apply off. sure ill get better but its a hateful job.

Hi Ian, Still lots of sanding, horrible job it's the same on any build!!! We are approaching Autumn "Down Under" so I will have rain soon. Have started so in 4/5 weeks will send/post some photos - Until then, keep on sanding - Phil. 😎